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The Help Center

All You Need To Know

Why should I choose you?

We are a team of former Tax Enforcement Officers that witnessed a lot of what could go wrong with a business when they do not keep up with their state taxes. There are firms out there that offer state tax services but most only consider it a side business to their business. We make Texas State Taxes our only main business.

Do you offer IRS or Federal Tax services?

No. At this time we do not offer Income or any IRS tax services. We deal solely with Texas State taxes as that's what our expertise is in.

What are your service fees?

We charge $50 per tax type, except for Franchise Tax, which is $100. Meaning if you're on a monthly filing basis for your sales tax then our fee is $50 a month for your sales tax report. If you're on a quarterly filing basis then it's $50 per sales tax report each quarter. Franchise Tax is $100 a year as they're always on a yearly filing scheme.

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